The Web Design Agency For Local Trades

Here at WD Explored web design agency, we want to help you grow your local business. With a wealth of knowledge and experience in the website industry, we truly believe that we are able help you with your website needs, no matter the nature of the project. 

Getting more leads is only 1 step.


We can take you from facebook business to owning your own website. If you already have your own site we can refesh the look, or completely re-design


Looking to rank better in local search engine results, We can audit your site and advise on how to rank better and improve your site usability .


If you re looking to expand your current suite of tools and would like help setting them up from Analytics, Email marketing suite or social profiles we can help.


Consistent branding across all platforms for a uniform look and feel for your company.

Web Design

From your first site, to refreshing your current site or a total redesign we can help you along this journey.

Search Engine Optimization

Looking to get more customers, we can audit your site for a better user experience and local ranking factors.

Information Architecture

Website architecture is important for google to understand how the pages on your site interconnect, but this also has to work for a human too.

Recent Work

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Want to know more?

If you’re interested in any of our services, or have any questions, then please do get in touch via our contact form. We want to hear from you! .

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