Data Privacy Laws – How is your privacy policy?

Data Privacy Laws – How is your privacy policy?

Data privacy law
Image by kalhh from Pixabay

Data Privacy Laws, Are you up to date?

Companies are consuming personal information on millions of customers, and since almost everything has become digitized, this

It’s important to have a privacy policy on your website.
As we all know, the recent data breach of Facebook has been very newsworthy and exposed how easily user information can be obtained without consent or knowledge.
The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is set to take effect in May 2018 and will ensure that any business collecting personal information about their customers, must ask for explicit consent before doing so.  The new law also applies to websites hosted outside of Europe as well.

In this article you’ll learn why I trust Termageddon to provide compliant policies for my customers and myself.

What’s being done about the mishandling of private data?

The European Union was one the first places to make a sweeping law change (called GDPR) forcing companies (of any size) to report what information they are collecting and what they do with it. You will have noticed more and more and more websites asking you to agree to their policy or notices when you first enter their website— that’s thanks to GDPR.

What does this mean for you?

As someone who owns or manages a website, it’s likely that many of these laws apply to you and your website.

The majority of the laws being passed are done to protect the citizens of a specific state or country, and worded (paraphrasing here) so that any website that is accessible from citizens of those areas must comply.

In other words— Germany’s new act might apply to you in the U.K even though your business doesn’t operate in Germany.  Your compliance is required because people in Germany are able to access your website.You could block people from certain regions accessing your website, but if a client is travelling to a blocked country this could cause issues.

What are the consequences of non-compliance?

Using the new California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) as only one example, the penalty for non-compliance is up to $7,500 per infringement— and an infringement can come from each and every Californian who visits your website.

With nearly 40 million people in California alone, and American’s appetite for litigation, it’s clear that this isn’t something you want to put your company at risk of— no matter the size (or your ability to do math).

Does your website need to comply?

While there’s no blanket answer for this without looking at your website individually, it’s a safe bet that your website meets the criteria and is legally obligated to company with dozens of laws that you probably didn’t even know existed!

If you have an eCommerce store, use Google Analytics, or even have something as simple as a contact form (so people can send you an email directly from your website) there are laws already in effect that you are obligated to comply with.

This means that the vast majority of small business websites are subject to compliance— including most of my customers.

Are your policies compliant?

If you’re unsure (or sure they aren’t!) then you could be subject to massive fines and even lawsuits.

Privacy Contact Form

How do you comply with privacy laws?

This can get fairly complicated quickly— but essentially you need to have a Privacy Policy (and in some cases a Terms of Use document and Disclaimer) that states (in legalese) what data you collect, what you do with it, and how people can request you erase their data.

These documents are most commonly drafted up by lawyers, and are specific to your website (meaning a “generic template” just won’t do). While there are hundreds of generators and templates on the market willing to take a quick buck from you for a policy— most of these don’t actually comply with the laws that are being updated, changed, and created every day.

If you opt to go the safe route and hire a lawyer to write your privacy policy, you’ll want to keep them on retainer— as you’ll need to have them update your policy any time Nebraska, New Hampshire, Oregon (or any other governing body in on the globe) passes anything new.

Unless you are the lawyer on retainer— this isn’t welcome news.

The most cost-effective & complaint solution

I’m not sure lawmakers think of the logistics of these things and the impact this will have on small businesses who can not afford to either comply or not comply.

The fines for non-compliance seem to be aimed at large corporations, as racking up only just a few of them could bankrupt many of the 28.7 million small businesses in America—but there’s no exception for a mom-and-pop shop.

A lawyer is going to cost you a few grand to draft a policy, and will happily invoice you whatever they please to update it continuously.

Luckily, I’ve found a much more cost-effective way to protect your business— it’s called Termageddon.

Termageddon was founded by a privacy and technology attorney, and offers a solution unlike anyone else on the market.

For just £15 per month, you can have compliant policies (privacy policy, terms of use, disclaimers, and more) that are specifically generated for your website and stay up to date as laws across the globe change.

How, you ask?

Using their policy generator you answer a few questions about your website and the type of data you collect. This process takes less than 5 minutes, and when you’re done you’re given an “embed code” (code for your website) that will embed your policy on your website.

Because the policy isn’t hosted directly on your website (it’s embedded on your website and being delivered from Termageddon’s servers) Termageddon is able to update your policy remotely— and this is the key.

They are able to, as a single entity, stay up to date will all the changing laws, publish revisions to their policies globally, and push those updates to you instantly— ensuring that you stay compliant no matter what new laws come into effect.

Termageddon will gladly (and personally!) walk you through the entire process and even help you generate your policies. When new laws go into effect, it’s sometimes required that you answer a few new questions. When/if that happens, you’ll get an email notifying you of the updates and prompting you to login and answer the new questions.

Did you know that if you have a contact form on your website that you are collecting personally identifiable information (PII)?

Several states have already passed privacy laws to protect the PII of the consumers of those states. These laws require most websites that collect PII to have a privacy policy.

On top of that several other states are proposing their own privacy laws, each with their own unique requirements for what your privacy policy needs to disclose as well as unique penalties for not complying.

Some states are proposing businesses be fined over $5,000 per violation, per website visitor. Others are proposing “private right of action”— meaning citizens of that state can sue businesses anywhere in the US for not having a compliant privacy policy.

These laws are created to protect the consumers of those States, not the businesses. In other words, your business doesn’t have to be located in that state for those laws to apply to you.

That is why we created Termageddon.

With Termageddon you can generate a privacy policy for your website in less than 15 minutes. What makes Termageddon special is that when the laws change we automatically update your policies for you, helping you stay compliant and avoid fines and lawsuits.

We protect your website for $10 per month or $99 per year— saving you both time and money.

— Termageddon

Are your policies compliant?

If you’re unsure (or sure they aren’t!) then you could be subject to massive fines and even lawsuits.

Privacy Contact Form

I’m using Termageddon to protect my company— and my customers.

I first signed up with Termageddon in April of 2019, when my company’s website had a very generic (and “borrowed”) privacy policy.

Within just a few minutes I had a fully-compliant policy on my website and felt instant relief that I was protected.

I emailed Termageddon back to thank them and compliment them on their work (I’m telling you, I was impressed!). Within just a few minutes I was on the phone with co-founder Hans Skillrud.

Because I spend quite a bit of time networking and collaborating with web developers across the globe, I was anxious to share my find with my colleagues.

Since then, I’ve introduced hundreds of web agencies and business owners to Termageddon, and started protecting my clients with their policies (which I help them setup and implement for free).

In October of 2019 I was able to meet with Termageddon’s co-founders (turned engaged couple— Hans and Donata) at a WordPress event.

Besides providing a fantastic service (that is so desperately needed), they are two humble and wonderful people. While that may not seem important to this article, I always enjoy supporting companies with a clear mission and passion to help their customers— and Termageddon has that in abundance.

For nearly a year now, Termageddon has been nothing but fantastic— and their company is growing and gaining recognition for its innovative and effective system.

What you should do next

If you don’t have a privacy policy, or you have one but you’re not sure if it’s compliant— reach out to me and let’s have a chat.

You can go through Termageddon directly and embed the policies yourself, or I’ll be glad to work with you personally, as an official Agency Partner of Termageddon, to ensure your policy is complete (and applicable to your website) and embed the policies for you (which is what most people prefer).

For £15/mo, the peace of mind alone is worth the price— but one lawsuit and penalty would likely be more than you ever spend on Termageddon’s services for the life of your website.

An interview with Termageddon Co-Founder, Hans Skillrud

Recently a good friend of mine Kyle Van Deusen asked Hans to jump on a quick call to talk (in generic terms) about the importance of data privacy and how this applies to small businesses like yours.

Video Transcript:

Kyle Van Deusen:
Hey, it’s Kyle from OGAL Web Design, and while this subject might not be the most entertaining, if you own or manage a website, it is the most important.

Kyle Van Deusen:
Today, I’m joined by Hans from Termageddon to talk about data privacy and why your website, realize it or not, must comply with data privacy laws. So hello, Hans. Thanks so much for joining me today. First let me ask you, what is the purpose of privacy policy and terms of service?

Hans Skillrud:
Hi, Kyle. Thanks for having me on. A privacy policy discloses what information a website collects and with whom that information is shared with. It is required by law already in four states in America, and at the moment we’re recording this, there’s 14 states that have proposed privacy laws. So it tells visitors of your website what you do with the data that they submit on your website.

Hans Skillrud:
In terms of service, otherwise known as a terms and conditions statement, it sets the rules for a website. So maybe you offer links to third-party websites, like Facebook or Twitter. That’s a great example of wanting to provide a terms and conditions where it states, “Hey, we provide links to third-party websites, but we don’t control those websites. So you can’t sue us if you click that link and you get to a hacked website and then you get hacked. We’re not responsible if that happens because we don’t have any control of that”.

Hans Skillrud:
Another great reason for terms and conditions is what’s called a DMCA notice. And what this is is maybe you are unknowingly using copywritten images or text. With a DMCA notice, it says, more or less, hey, if we’re using copywritten images and it’s your property, that is unintentional and we will immediately remove it. Here’s our contact information to have us do that. A DMCA notice can create a safe harbor for a business, protecting from potentially being sued.

Kyle Van Deusen:
Yeah. And all that is extremely important if you own a website, but a lot of small businesses might wonder if they really need one. So who needs to have a privacy policy on their website?

Hans Skillrud:
Anyone that collects information on their website, personal information. A good example is if you have a contact form on your website. A contact form is a fantastic lead generator for businesses, but that’s a great example of when a company, no matter what their size, are collecting what’s called personally identifiable information. Another great example is newsletter sign-ups; e-commerce, if you transact through your website; and another great example is Google Analytics, where you’re tracking the behavior of a visitor on your website. Yet again, amazing tools to help your business grow and to understand how to improve your website, and simply you just nowadays need to disclose a privacy policy.

Hans Skillrud:
And, yes, a lot of people are like, “Well, I only hear about Facebook or Google getting sued, and I only hear about the big ones.” That’s because that’s what news talks about, the big ones, the ones where people are getting sued for hundreds of millions or bajillion dollars, whatever. The fact is, though, privacy laws are entering into America on a state-by-state basis. If you have a contact form and you get inquiries across state lines, you not only have to operate on a state level with the state you’re located in, but you have to comply with all the privacy laws where you’re collecting information from. Privacy laws do not care about where a business is located. They only care about protecting their citizens. So if you get inquiries across state lines, you not only need a privacy policy, you need a strategy to keep it up to date over time.

Kyle Van Deusen:
Yeah. So what are some of the consequences if you don’t have a privacy policy? I’m sure people are starting to figure out by now that they really need one, but what are they at risk for if they don’t a privacy policy in place?

Hans Skillrud:
They are at risk currently for being fined, and they soon will be at risk for being sued. Several states already have laws in place that are requiring certain businesses to comply with their privacy laws, to provide specific disclosures as it meets their specific privacy laws; and you could be fined up to $7,500 per violation. And what that means is not just a one-time slap on the wrist $7,500. Per violation could be interpreted as per website visitor. So that is something you don’t want to mess with because that could literally take out small businesses, which I think is a joke personally, but hey, we’re here and we’re trying to solve it.

Hans Skillrud:
The thing that people also need to be aware of is there are several states that have proposed privacy laws, like New York for example, which will enable their citizens to sue businesses of any size, any location, just for having a contact form without a privacy policy.

Kyle Van Deusen:
Yeah, that’s something you definitely don’t want to mess with because those kind of fines could bankrupt most small businesses in America once you start adding them up. So with some of these things already in place and some more underway, going through legislation now, where do you see the future of internet privacy and policies? Where do you think all of this is going?

Hans Skillrud:
There’s a lot of talk about, oh, once we have a federal law, everyone’s good and dandy. No, that’s not the case. In fact, I forget the exact name… I’m not the privacy attorney, the president of Termageddon is. She’s the newsletter editor for the American Bar Association and has a whole bunch more credentials. I’m just a lowly sales person. But there’s a phrase that goes into it, but it’s something along the lines of if a state privacy law exists and there’s a less aggressive federal law, the state can enforce the more aggressive state-specific privacy law. So it’s a mess. I don’t even see there being a worldwide privacy law. That would be foundational change to how we operate as a world together. So I see things getting more complicated, not less complicated, over time.

Hans Skillrud:
From today when we’re recording this, in the last week, at least three other states have been added to the list of proposing their own unique privacy bills with their own unique penalties, and they’re all unique disclosures that are required. I see it getting more complex for the foreseeable future.

Kyle Van Deusen:
Yes, I agree. Unfortunately, that’s the case. But luckily, we have Termageddon to help solve this problem for small businesses like myself and the customers I deal with.

Kyle Van Deusen:
Hans, I appreciate it so much. Thank you for taking the time to explain this to us today, and I appreciate all the work you guys do. We’ll talk to you on the next one.

Hans Skillrud:
Hey, thank you so much.

Contact Me About Your Policies & Protection

Use the form below to let me know you’re interested in protecting your  company for privacy lawsuits, and I’ll get back with you to setup a time to walk through the process and get you compliant.

Are your policies compliant?

If you’re unsure (or sure they aren’t!) then you could be subject to massive fines and even lawsuits.

Privacy Contact Form

Disclaimer: Because what good would this post be without one, right? I am NOT a lawyer and am not offering legal advice. This article was written and reviewed to provide you with the knowledge you need to help protect yourself. In all cases it’s best you consult with your lawyer to ensure you are complaint. WD Explored cannot guarantee any policy or procedure to be 100% compliant.

Why your company needs a web designer

Why your company needs a web designer

In earlier days, when there is no internet, doorstep marketing was the main concept that is followed by every successful business. But as technology has upgraded, there is a lot changed. Nowadays, everything is done by sitting at one place through online stores where every business has a website built by a website designer.

Website Designer

Well, before getting in detail about a website designer, it is necessary to know what does a website design means? Website designing is the process of creating a website. This website combines several different aspects that include content production, webpage layout, and graphic designing. These websites can be created by both website designer and website developer. But the concept of web design and development are mostly interchanged as web design is technically a subset of the broader version of web development.

What Does a Website Designer do?

The core job of a website designer is to design web pages. These website designers consider a lot that may not be immediately apparent when you look at a webpage for the first time. They create websites using a mark-up language known as HTML. They write HTML tags to define the content and metadata of each page. The layout and presentation of the elements on the webpage are usually defined using CSS (cascading style sheet). Thus, most of the websites include a combination of HTML and CSS to give a pleasant appearance to a website. To grab the targeted consumers attention is the aesthetic aspect of a website with the selection of appropriate font, colour, layout and images. With this the entire personality of the website can be created. Apart from the beauty aspect, the usability of the website is mostly prioritised, which is taken care while creating a page concerning the target market.

Demand for A Website Designer in London

In London web design agency offers a challenging and rewarding opportunity as web design skills are most desirable than ever been before. Whether you are a large cooperate company or a non-profit organisation, the need for a website is something much desirable one. This means that you need a website designer to create or maintain those websites. It includes the development of those site with the long-term management and marketing of an organisation’s digital presence. All these are the responsibility of a website designer. Thus, it is needed for the website designer to analyse and understand the demand for the projected skill in the current. Depending upon which he/she has to enhance themselves for a better career in any web design company. The simple truth behind this most catchy phrase ‘Web designers’ is not as simple as you think. Yes, there are many different jobs that come under the general umbrella of ‘web designer.’ It starts from creating the actual visual design of web pages and continues with developing those pages, writing tags, specialising the service such as accessibility experts, user testing, social media specialists and much more. A recent survey shows that the employment of web developers is projected to grow widely at the rate of 20 percent from 2012 to 2022, which is much faster than the average of all other occupations. Even this growing popularity is mainly contributed by the use of mobile device and e-commerce sites.

Benefits of Approaching a Web Designing Agency in London

Mostly, when you are planning to approach a London based web design company, you can have many benefits,

  • You Can Have a High-Quality Site:

Nowadays, there are several free website design templates available out there, but all of them are the basics. With them, you can’t expect to have a professional website with cookie-cutter tools. Generally, a website requires several features including images, plugins, headers and codes. When you are planning to have a professional website, it is better to go in search of website designers near me through a website design London agency. Here, the professional website will be built by professional web designers who use the background of information technology/programming to provide you with the best business website.

  • Online Strategy:
  • Responsive Design:
  • Search Engine Optimization:

These web design agencies can provide you with the team of professional developer who can create a solid strategic plan for your site. In other words, their designers will have your business model and future organisational goals in mind while creating your site. Depending upon which they can establish a solid foundation for the sites. There was a time when everything can be found only on a computer. But as technology has improved, you can find people making use of their smartphones and iPads to view a site. If your website is not user-friendly, then what? Your audience will simply ‘bounce off.’ Which means that after spending much time on your sites, they would not have made any purchase from your sites. But the professional website designers will see to it that your website is completely responding to the designs no matter where ever you open-up the site, i.e., a smartphone or iPad. SEO or Search engine optimization is incredibly an important tool for any online business owner. Once the website is done, it is very important for it to appear on the top search engine. Well, having the best website is useless if it misses attracting potential customers to a website. Thus, these website designers design your website in such a way that it can reach the high SEO ranking easily with less effort.      

Why build a Wordpress website?

Why build a Wordpress website?

1. It’s easy to use
2. The design can be modified rather quickly
3. Lots of excellent plug-ins are readily available to further customize a site
4. Regularly updated so security holes don’t take long to patch
5. Can easily be shared with others, allowing collaboration on a single site
6. SEO-friendly; Wordpress is already optimized for search engines ========================================================= Now we have lists and an outline based on the titles of these articles

10 Questions to ask your web designer

Finding a web designer can be tricky and sometime long and frustrating. Asking the correct questions when choosing a web designer can help you find one that understands your view and can give you the website for you.

When it comes to your website, you want it to be the best you can be. It’s usually the first point of contact visitors have with your company, and you want their first impression to be a good one. 

This is why asking the right questions to make sure you and your web designer are a good fit is essential. 

1. Is all the work done in house or outsourced?

Does your web designer just do web design or do they offer Logo designs, Copywriting, custom fonts if so then some bits will most likely be outsourced as it is almost impossible for 1 designer to be skilled in all of these areas. If you are using an agency then they will most likely have different specialist for each part of the build.

If you ask your designer for a whole variety of things, not just the site design, it’s likely they’ll bring on help. Some designers know what they’re strengths and weaknesses are, and will outsource the stuff that’s just not their forte to trusted business partners, which is normal.

So be sure to ask if things are outsourced and who/where to so you can check out the people being outsourced to.

2.How long does one website project take from start to finish?

This will give you a time line of when you can expect your website to be finished. Also it means you can align schedules to you are both focusing on the project at the same time.  Also if you need it done quickly and they dont have the availability you can move on or delay the project.


Testimonials and reviews are generally pretty reliable, but if you want extra proof that your potential designer is above board, feel free to ask to speak with a past client.

Of course, the designer will give you the people they most enjoyed working with who they know will rave about them, so expect if they give you details of a past client, you’re likely going to hear great things.

Granted, if they don’t have anyone to put you in touch with or the person they do put you in touch with doesn’t give all that fabulous of an impression of their project, don’t wait a moment and instead move right along to your next designer prospect.

4. What services are provided?

Different designers offer a different range of packages and services. It is down to you to find out which package works right for your project. Do they consider SEO within their build? How far do they go with design? Do they build mobile first?

Make a list of the services you’d like included in your agreement and go through each one with your potential designer. If there are any features you absolutely need that they are unable to provide so you’re not wasting your time.

5.What is your expectation of my involvement?

Think about how much you’d like to be involved in the design process. Do you want a say in all decisions being made, or do you want to leave most of them to your designer? It’s also important to gauge what they expect from your involvement. If you aren’t sure then check before starting other wise this could impcat timings and or budgets.

6.Will I be able to make edits on my own?

This one can go both ways, some people will keep the designer on a retainer to make changes each month or to use a template and upload new posts each month, others want the site built and then make the changes on their own.  If you want to make the changes yourself then make sure you know how.

 7.What happens about maintenance after website is complete?

There’s no right or wrong answer here, different designers do things differently.

If you’re someone who really wants to have ownership over their site, and wants to update or make changes, go for a web design platform such as wordpress so it is easier to make the changes.

If you’d rather shoot off an email with edits/updates and wait a few days to have them polished up by someone else (and you have the budget to pay for that every time you need a site edit), then go for a designer that offers maintenance packages.

8.Will I own the website once it’s launched?

It’s necessary to find out if the domain name will be registered in your name and if the web designer requires website hosting on their servers. Also, keep this in mind if your web designer uses a custom CMS (Content managementsystem). In addition, ask if you’ll receive all source files, access to your hosting account, and back-end administration.

You’ll also want to determine if your business will be required to take out an ongoing maintenance contract to keep your site live, or if they plan on delivering the completed site after the launch date.

 9. What do you charge for a project of this scope?

Every designer’s rates are different, so do your research beforehand to figure out the budget you want to set and what you’re willing to pay. Don’t opt for the cheapest developers you can find; you get what you pay for, and what you’ll end up with is a website you aren’t proud of. It’s better to spend extra on a job well done than to skimp and have to pay more down the road to make up for the lack of quality work.


2 red flags you should keep an eye out for

If you notice any of these, stop and think!

1. Upon agreeing to the project you are not asked to sign a contract

Contracts protect both you and your designer, so you for sure want to have one!

A contract between you and your designer should spell out what you’ll be paying, when you’ll be paying it, who owns what licenses, what the deliverables are, etc.

As you can imagine, this can help you out equally as much as it does your designer. If you were promised 2 rounds of revisions, and only got 1, you can have your contract to refer back to.

Pro tip: Sometimes for smaller bits of work for say a couple tweaks for a few hundred, designers won’t have you sign a contract just because its not worth the effort. If you’re putting down quite a thousand or more to work with them however, a contract should absolutely be expected.


Not one person has said something good about your potential new designer? Not a good sign. Or, someone named Joe, who has no website link or photo or last name said something good? Also not a good sign.

Check out to see both that they have testimonials and reviews.

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