Why you should Invest in Your Website

Why you should Invest in Your Website

I have a website but don’t get anything from it, why invest more time effort and money to it?

it can link all your social profiles together, be a contact point for new customers. Friendly welcoming , ideal to showcase your business your way and your rules. Is your company name, address and phone number correct across the web?
It will help market local and global depending on your business.

Photoshop Elements Tips

Photoshop Elements Tips

I acquired my copy of Photoshop Element 7 some years ago from Ebay, but with the many online websites that offer the same services or some very good free version (gimp) I am yet to upgrade.

When using Photoshop Elements I always use the ‘Save for Web’ option .

This option allows you to tweak the setting to maintain the image quality, but with a smaller file size so is quicker to download, especially as mobile website viewing is ever increasing.

Saving as a jpeg and setting the quality is my default settings and can easily reduce an mage from 623K to 22.9k

Saving image for the web - Image SEO
Huge size reduction, small quality reduction

When building a website< I make sure all images have gone through this process so the page speed is as quick as I can make it.

The process is:

  1. Open an image and choose File > Save For Web.
  2. Choose JPEG from the optimization format menu.
  3. To optimize to a specific file size, click the arrow to the right of the Pre-set menu, and then click Optimize To File Size. Enter a number in the Desired File Size text box, and select either Current Settings, which optimizes for the current settings, or Auto Select GIF/JPEG, which automatically determines whether JPEG or GIF is the better format.
  4. Do one of the following to specify the compression level:
  • Choose a quality option (Low, Medium, High, and so on) from the pop‑up menu under the optimization format menu.
  • Click the arrow in the Quality menu and drag the Quality pop‑up slider.
  • Enter a value between 0 and 100 in the Quality box.The higher the Quality setting, the more detail is preserved in the optimized image, but the larger the file size. View the optimized image at several quality settings to determine the best balance between quality and file size.

5. Select Progressive to display the image progressively in a web browser; that is, to display it first at a low resolution, and then at progressively higher resolutions as downloading proceeds.

6. To preserve the ICC profile of the original image in the optimized file, select ICC Profile. Some browsers use ICC profiles for colour correction. The ICC profile of the image depends on your current colour setting.

7. If the original image contains transparency, select a Matte colour that matches the background of your web page. Transparent areas in your original image are filled with the Matte colour.

8. To save your optimized image, click OK. In the Save Optimized As dialog box, type a filename, and click Save.

Once you have the settings tweaked this can be a quick process and there are even tools that can automate this, but I like to check each image as some need to be higher quality.

If you would like me to check your site click on the button below and we can see if your site is suitable for our speed optimisation process.

Control Your Data

Control Your Data

This is YOUR website,

so YOU control the data

Why is data control important for your business? How do we do this for all the websites we build?

We build all our websites using WordPress CMS (Content Management System). This simply means should you want to look for other developers, you can easily do so because most developers are familiar with it. You can switch developers anytime and still get the help you need.

You Can Switch Developers Anytime

In keeping with that spirit, we give you full access to everything about your website. You own your site completely and absolutely. You are not locked into working with us. So if by any chance you feel the need to switch to another company, we will even help migrate your site from our hosting and maintenance services to another.

You Own All Your Content

We also build our websites so they are set up to be able to take advantage of “Own The Race Course” style of content publishing.

Instead of putting all your best videos and articles on social media or other website platforms owned by someone else, you can host your own content on your own site. This way, you can bring people from other platforms into a space—your space—where you have ultimate ownership and control.

We make all the websites we build easy to edit. You can easily do it yourself. We provide training videos for all the major elements of the website. This is so you can easily learn how to do it yourself or train someone in your team to make small changes to the site, publish blog posts and the like.

Get Full Control Of Your Site Without Getting Your Hands Dirty

But why focus on maintaining your website or training your staff when you have a business to run? We recommend you pass the task to someone who can quickly identify any issues and resolve them for you.

We provide a comprehensive website hosting, maintenance and support service so you won’t have to worry about your site at all, yet still maintain control over it. This way we can help you concentrate on how you can grow your business even more.

I loved how they gave me everything I needed to access the website.


Owner, LH1 Book Keeping

Website Sucess

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