Web Design Explored Blog

Why do I do this?

Why do I do this?

Why do I do this? A question that many people have asked themselves and asked me and now I go through my why

How Good is your Business email address?

How Good is your Business email address?

What does your business email address say about your company? In todays digital world having a website and email address is more important than before, but what should your email address be?

Control Your Data

Control Your Data

You control your data, When we build your website you are in control

Data Privacy Laws – How is your privacy policy?

Data Privacy Laws – How is your privacy policy?

Have you updated your privacy policy recently, Do you even have one on your website?
Realize It or Not: You Must Comply with Privacy Laws. While this may not be the most entertaining thing you read all day— if you own or manage a website, it just might be the most important.

Brighton SEO 2017

Brighton SEO 2017

My first industry event after so long, here is the writeup on how it went.

Invest in your website – Edition 2

Invest in your website – Edition 2

In Edition 1 we highlighted key benefits that can be achieved by investing in your website, Edition 2 we will go through how improvements can be made

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If you’re interested in any of our services, or have any questions, then please do get in touch via our contact form. We want to hear from you! .

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